Committee Spotlight: Standards Steering Committee
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Standards Steering Committee (SSC) was formed to provide policy guidance to technical committees when developing or revising ANSI/BHMA standards, as well as provide recommendations to the BHMA Board of Directors with regard to Standards and the BHMA Certified Product program.
Specifically, the SCC:
is the starting gate for proposed new standards; need, scope, resources, certification potential are all reviewed;
assigns a sitting SSC member as the standard sponsor on all new and revised standards to provide a liaison between the SSC and technical sub-committee;
reviews and recommends “early revision” of standards if technology and market changes warrant the effort;
provides guidance to technical subcommittees if the group hits an impasse or is working outside the approved scope.
The Standards Steering Committee has a face-to-face meeting at least twice each year at the BHMA Spring and Annual meetings, and at least once a quarter via teleconference.
Currently, the SSC holds membership to 7 plus a chair. The best way to be considered for SSC membership is to participate widely in BHMA Standards Development, volunteer for task groups and committees, and in general learn our processes and procedures. Ultimately, the SSC requires a representative cross-section of the BHMA members.